The Gipuzkoan population’s opinion of female politicians


  • Iñaki Garcia Arrizabalaga Universidad de Deusto
  • Juan José Gibaja Martins Universidad de Deusto
  • Alazne Mujika Alberdi Universidad de Deusto


This article presents and analyses the opinion of the Gipuzkoan population (Basque Country, Spain) of women politicians in relation to men. Considering that the mass media often portrays an image of campaigning female candidates that is marked by certain sexist stereotypes, the article presents the results of a questionnaire that enquires about female politicians’ appearance, leadership and reputation. The results show that, despite different efforts, certain stereotypes persist, thus confirming how aspects related to physical appearance have a greater impact on female politicians than men, as well as the attribution of different leadership qualities depending on their gender. In addition, women politicians are not in the ‘top of mind’ of the people surveyed, and their spontaneous and assisted notoriety is much lower than that of men. However, a tendency towards equality in relation to voting intentions is starting to emerge, suggesting that the door is opening to what will hopefully be a new and more egalitarian panorama.


public opinion, female politicians, gender, stereotypes


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