About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Anàlisi is a science journal published by the Journalism and Communication Sciences Department of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). 

Anàlisi will especially value articles from competitive research projects, with a clear articulation of theory and methodology, a well-defined and up-to-date theoretical framework, and proposed as a significant contribution to their subject area and field, which outcomes may have an international impact, specially in English Language.

Anàlisi is an electronic journal offering open access scientific papers in the area of communication studies, with a special focus on:

  • the dissemination of results from funded research projects in areas relating to challenges, opportunities and practices emerging in the current digital context;
  • digital society, entertainment, cultural industries and communications policies;
  • studies on communication and gender;
  • the consumption of emerging channels and media, such as fandom, social networks, video on demand, social TV, and new audiovisual and advertising platforms;
  • communication and education;
  • game studies and digital habits in free time;
  • political communication channels, digital journalism, online journalism, internet activism and copyleft;
  • types and formats of transmedia storytelling and other new digital narratives;
  • new forms of production and financing, such as crowdfunding, crowdsourcing and content co-creation experiences;
  • data journalism, data visualization and big data;
  • challenges in the world of advertising today, such as viral marketing, alternative forms of persuasive communication, perspectives on roles and gender, the hybridization of languages, new professional profiles, and disruption to media and channels.

Anàlisi is addressed to all members of the academic community interested in this area (researchers, university lecturers, doctoral students, etc.), although it may also become a source that communication professionals sometimes turn to.

Its initial appearance was in a paper format edited by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1980-2009), and since 2010 it has been edited in digital format.

The Journal has always pursued the research of internationalization and the promotion of processes for publishing scientific knowledge that are transparent, quick and thorough.

It is published twice a year in English, Spanish and Catalan. Access to its contents is open to all, immediate and free of charge, so as to encourage the global exchange of knowledge and to be of maximum use to society.

All papers presented are submitted to a peer review process, understood as an dialogue between authors and reviewers, with the ultimate objective of seeking scientific excellence and the dissemination of knowledge.

Anàlisi is advancing in its indexing and impact factor, encouraging the scientific community to take responsibility for the quality of its research.

Also, the magazine maintains its commitment to quality systems and quality assurance compliance with the Code of Ethics.

Peer Review Process

Anàlisi only publishes original work. The articles published by Anàlisi are first submitted to a peer review by recognised experts in the field chosen by the Editorial Committee from the journal's pool of inter-university and international reviewers.

Stages in the process of evaluating a paper

The time required to perform the evaluation process will be approximately three months

  1. Stage 1: sending of the original via the journal’s own platform. 

  2. Stage 2: acceptance for the evaluation process by the journal’s Publishing Board. This stage can have two outcomes: (1) Editors may decline to publish the paper if it does not meet the journal’s criteria regarding subject matter and format; or (2) Directors begin the process of evaluation by external reviewers.

  3. Stage 3: notification to the author of the result of stage 2.

  4. Stage 4: evaluation of the original by external reviewers over a period of approximately 4 months.

  5. Stage 5: notification to the journal management of the evaluation process result, from the reviewers.

  6. Stage 6: notification to the author of the result of the evaluation.

The author shall receive a qualitative review with advice and comments that help them to improve their paper, as well as a quantitative review.

Publication Frequency

Since 2013, this journal decides to change its periodicity due to budget restrictions and it starts publishing two issues a year (in June and December) and occasionally a monographic issue if quality requirements are met.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Authors may deposit their works in open-access repositories, whether before peer-review (as pre-prints) or after (as post-prints).

Authors retain copyright.

Publication Fees

Since the publication costs for Anàlisi are covered by the editing university internal budgets, authors do not need to pay an article-processing charge (APC) and no waivers are offered.

Statement on publication ethics and misconduct

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona is committed to maintaining ethical standards and takes as its reference the principles published by COPE (Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors). It is essential for all parties involved in the process (editors, referees and authors) to understand and heed this code’s principles.

The UAB aims to satisfy the needs of authors and readers alike, ensuring the quality of articles published in its journals, protecting and respecting all rights pertaining to the content of articles, and respecting the integrity of all submissions and published work.

The Editorial Board of Anàlisi undertakes to publish all corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies as and when they are required. As part of its commitment to best practice, Anàlisi makes publicly available the evaluation system for submitted articles and the criteria applied in the external peer review process. Anàlisi regularly updates these criteria, which are intended to ensure the scientific relevance, originality, clarity and pertinence of published articles.

Anàlisi maintains full confidentiality throughout the evaluation process, protecting the anonymity of authors and external reviewers, the reviewed content, the reviewers' report and any other communication issued by the editorial, advisory and scientific boards, as required. Equally, it applies the strictest standards of confidentiality to any clarifications, claims or complaints that an author may wish to refer to any of the journal's boards or to the external reviewers.

Anàlisi undertakes to respect the integrity of all published work. As such, Anàlisi will be particularly vigilant in identifying and sanctioning cases of plagiarism. Any manuscript that is found to plagiarize published work will be removed from the journal or barred from publication, as the case may be. The journal will act as swiftly as possible in all such cases. In agreeing to the terms of the journal, authors undertake to ensure that the articles they submit and all of the associated materials contain only original work and that they do not infringe on the rights of third parties. In the case of shared authorship, a clear statement must be made to the effect that all authors have agreed to the content of the manuscript and that the work has not been published previously in any other form.


The authors of articles submitted for publication must ensure that the material they submit to Anàlisi is original work and that it does not contain fragments of work published either by themselves or by other authors. In submitting a manuscript, the authors must also guarantee the accuracy of the data presented therein, which must not have been altered to verify the experimental hypothesis or hypotheses put forward.

Authors must ensure that the materials consulted during the preparation of their article are the most recent and relevant in the field with which the research is concerned.

Authors must clearly identify all those individuals who have made a significant scientific contribution to the conceptual design and planning of the study, the interpretation of the results and the writing of the article. The list of authors must be ordered hierarchically to reflect the degree of responsibility of each author and their respective roles in the study.

All authors accept responsibility for the content of the manuscript.

Peer review

Reviewers undertake to produce a critical, constructive and impartial evaluation of submissions and to complete their review in the shortest time possible, to ensure that the deadlines of the evaluation process are met.

Reviewers are only assigned to a manuscript if they have the necessary expertise in the relevant field and are not affected by any conflicts of interest.

The reviewers will submit a full and thorough report, complete with the necessary references, in compliance with the terms of the evaluation process and any applicable public standards, particularly when rejecting a submission. In addition, reviewers must notify the Editorial Board of any part of the manuscript that has already been published or is under consideration for publication in another journal.

Reviewers must ensure that they have no conflicts of interest with regard to the research presented in the article, the author/s, and the sources of funding for the project.

Once the Editorial Board has verified that the article conforms to the standards on content and style indicated in the editorial criteria, it will send the article to two anonymous experts, not affiliated to the authors' home institution, for a double blind review.

The reviewers' evaluation of the article will focus on its interest to the scientific community, the novelty of its contribution to existing knowledge of the subject matter, the accuracy of the relationships it establishes with other work, the critical judgement displayed, the bibliographic references used, the quality of writing and presentation of the manuscript, and other standard considerations. Where necessary, recommendations will be made as to how the manuscript can or should be improved.

The Editor of Anàlisi will examine the reviewers' report and notify the author/s of the outcome (fit for publication without changes; fit for publication with minor corrections; fit for publication with major corrections; not fit for publication) by sending an email to the address from which the manuscript was submitted. The reviewers' comments and suggestions will be provided for consideration by the first author.

If the manuscript has been deemed fit for publication with minor or major corrections, the authors must submit a revised version which addresses the external reviewers' comments and suggestions. The authors may also attach a rebuttal letter for the Editorial Board in which they explain the specific changes made to the original submission.

The Editorial Board will determine whether the revised manuscript is fit for publication on the basis of the changes made and the degree to which they successfully address the reviewers' comments and suggestions. The Editor will then notify the authors of the final decision.

Journal History

This journal started its activity in 1980 promoted by the Department of Journalism of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. At the beginning it was published in a print version by the UAB (1980-2009). In 2010 was set the co-publishing agreement with the Open University of Catalonia, which ended in 2016. Between 2010 and 2012, the journal published three ordinary issues and one extraordinary monograph every year. In 2013, due to budget issues, Anàlisi determines to publish two ordinary issues and occasionally an extraordinary monograph if it meets the quality criteria. In 2017 Anàlisi starts a new phase, being published by the UAB exclusively.