Digital identities in WhatsApp: The representation of gender among the university population



The digital medium is presented as a new environment in which a social interaction is produced led by the culture of image and appearance. The overall objective of this article is to describe, from a gender perspective, how young people build their identities through their WhatsApp profile, for which a sample of 320 students from the universities of Malaga and Seville was used. The subjects studied, regardless of sex, define their image in the understanding that participation implies recognition by photographic identification. We also concluded that females and males construct their digital identity in a real and natural way since they address a close and well-known group of people and, although certain differential nuances are observed, it is partially confirmed that the representations are stereotyped according to the gender of the subjects.


WhatsApp, gender, digital identities, young people, image, self-representation


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Author Biographies

Teresa Vera Balanza, Universidad de Málaga

Profesora Titular de Periodismo

Departamento de Periodismo
Vicedecana de Organización Académica, Profesorado e Igualdad

Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

Inmaculada Sánchez-Labella Martín, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesora Contratada Doctora

Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad

Facultad de Comunicación

Carmen Romo Parra, Universidad de Málaga

Profesora contratada Doctora del Departamento de Psicología Social, Trabajo Social, Antropología Social y Estudios de Asia Oriental.




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