The transformation of the audiovisual contents and the influence of the mobile devices in the new transmedia scene


  • Alberto Tognazzi Drake


Through the contributions of the community of citizen journalists, it has been possible to thrive the basis for events such as the “Arab Spring”. We all can be storytellers with the potential to influence society and politics, it’s just a matter of talent, determination and a cellphone. The innovations introduced by mobile devices are on the way to establish the physical and ideal relationship between and the one who shoots, or the one who enjoys the content on his mobile screen, and the environment. Thanks to the characteristics of GPS, interactivity, portability, live video transmission it can be created a wrapping diegetic universe, allowing an unprecedented develop of the personal sensitivity respect to the virtual worlds. The ubiquity and portability enable new revolutionary possibilities to include mobile devices in Transmedia narratives, but we are still away from getting profit of their potential. A path could be the concept to play in urban environments, using augmented reality tools, mixed with audiovisual content that may be popping up on screen. Games of this type already exist, but need to be popularized in a massive way to measure its effectiveness and depth.


transmedia, cellphone, ubiquity, intimacy




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