Transmedia narratives with young university students: Digital ethnography in the hyperconnected society
This paper analyzes the design, creation and diffusion of transmedia content based on the production of young university students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Education. Following a brief introduction on the role of transmedia literacy and the culture of convergence within formal education institutions in general, the relationships between the use of transmedia narratives and educational innovation in higher education institutions are discussed. The study analyzes the transmedia creation process at two levels of analysis: 1) through a description of the instruments of mediation of learning used in the educational design (guided participation); and 2) by analyzing the possibilities of transmedia narratives as strategies of collective creation to promote digital literacy in the hyperconnected society. The methodological design combines narrative research with digital ethnography, followed by the description of the main results derived from the analysis of the elaboration and production of the transmedia content by the students. Finally, the conclusions defend the opportunity of transmedia education to generate processes of technological and social mediation that not only recognize the learning and tacit knowledge that students form in the hyperconnected society but also its possibilities for social empowerment among university students.Keywords
transmedia narratives, transmedia literacy, university teaching, digital ethnography, hyperconnected societyReferences
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