Analysis of Data Journalism in Spanish Communication Faculties: Innovating Degree Journalism Education



Due to the rapid evolution of journalism and the media, in-depth knowledge of computer tools has become an increasingly pressing need for 21st-century journalists. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze, discuss and reach a consensus on the basic technological training needed to perform quality journalism. Data journalism, appropriated by the Internet, is a specialization that requires knowledge of these tools and, consequently, ad-hoc training. But are communication faculties prepared to face these new training challenges and create new profiles in the era of big data? To answer this question, we present the preliminary results of research examining the study programs and course syllabi of undergraduate journalism and communication degrees at Spanish universities. The study confirms that there is no correlation between the demands of the professional journalism market and higher education training. This finding demonstrates how computer technology, as a knowledge base for data journalists, occupies a minimal place in the training of professionals, thus highlighting the urgent need to modify journalism curricula.


data journalism, curricular innovation, training, communication, professional skills


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Author Biographies

Jesus Miguel Flores-Vivar, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Internet Media Lab

Profesor Titular. Departamento de Periodismo y Nuevos Medios. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Director del Internet Media Lab.

Pilar José López-López, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Internet Media Lab

Dra. en Periodismo. Investigadora del Internet Media Lab de la UCM.




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