The video games that entertain children: offer and demand analysis of video games among the young audience


  • Beatriz Feijoo Universidad de los Andes (Chile)
  • Aurora García-González University of Vigo Department of Developmental Psychology and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication


Video games have become one of the most important forms of entertainment for children: During Christmas 2014; 70% of parents recognized that they intended to buy video games as a gift for their children (Aevi; 2014b). Moreover; more than 50% of the video game market is available for users under the age of 12; an extensive offer which was analysed to check the interest level existing among children. To this end; we wanted to examine if the user profile between 11 and 12 years old consumes videogames especially recommended for her/his age according to the PEGI code or; on the contrary; if this young public prefers other game options that were specifically designed for an adult profile. For this; employing the survey as a quantitative method; we could ask a sample of 2;200 pupils in primary 6 what their video game consumption (among other questions) is to conclude that video games occupy a privileged position in their free time (92% penetration) and; at the same time; that they prefer the console to playing games in front of other devices; like the PC or mobile phones. Asked about their favourite video games; the sample prefers more adult titles to others which were designed and recommended for young children. In short; with these results we provide proof that the age restrictions established by the PEGI code are not taken into account by users; in this case children; the main subject of this research. Equally; a clear disparity was detected when the results are segmented by sex; in which boys and girls chose very different video game options.


screens, video games, children, PEGI code, recommended age

Author Biographies

Beatriz Feijoo, Universidad de los Andes (Chile)

Beatriz Feijoo is a Doctor in Communication and holder of a degree in Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication from the University of Vigo. She holds the position of lecturer and researcher in the Department of Developmental Psychology and Communication in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the University of Vigo. She has also been professionally linked to the field of journalism and institutional communication by working for several years in the Area of Communication at the University of Vigo.


Aurora García-González, University of Vigo Department of Developmental Psychology and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication

Aurora García González is a Doctor in Public Communication and a Tenured Lecturer in Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication at the University of Vigo. She has published different research works in the field of communication, amongst others: “Radiomorfose em contexto transmedia” (978-958-738-286-0) (Bogotá, 2012); “Digital and Interactive Radio. Formatos y prácticas socials”, in Icono 14 Vol. No. 15, March 2010 (ISSN: 1697–8293); “Les programmes de radio au point du jour, un service public. Analyse de quatre programmes de la participation des émetteurs en Espagne”, en Recherches en communication Vol. No. 26, November 2008 (ISSN: 1370-0480). She is the author of the following books amongst others: En torno a la radio (EAE, 2012); Escribir y hablar en los medios, (Santiago de Compostela, 2005); Historia da radio en Pontevedra LEA, (Santiago de Compostela, 2003); Manual del Comunicador radiofónico, (Barcelona, 2001); La producción publicitaria en la radio (Vigo, 1998)




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