The scope of crowdfunding in responsible university relations



This paper describes the first decade of crowdfunding (CF) experiences carried out in the Spanish university environment from the perspective of social responsibility and determines the impact of their campaigns in solving social problems. To do so, the literature, from traditional patronage practices to current models of micro crowdfunding in the digital environment, allow framing crowdfunding by putting the focus on the relationship of universities with their audiences and the agents involved in the campaigns they launch from 2012 to the present, as part of their purposes with society. To achieve the objectives, a content analysis of the 56 CF campaigns, launched by a dozen Spanish public universities, was carried out. The study concludes that the fluctuations in the evolution and development of university crowdfunding (UCF) and the scarce existence of their own platforms have not yet allowed its consolidation as a tool of their University Social Responsibility (USR). In addition, UCF campaigns in Spain place value on research at the service of society, moving away from philanthropy to exercise social responsibility, although they are generally focused on their internal audiences, so their social impact is limited.


crowdfunding, social impact, public relations, university social responsibility, university crowdfunding


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Author Biographies

Ana Ibáñez-Hernández, University of Alicante (Spain)

Associate Lecturer. Department of Communication and Social Psychology, Faculty of Economics and Business Science, University of Alicante, Spain

Javier Esclapés, University of Alicante (Spain)

Postdoctoral Lecturer. Department of Graphic Expression, Composition and Projects, Technical School, University of Alicante, Spain

Maria José Rodríguez-Jaume, University of Alicante (Spain)

Senior Lecturer. Department of Sociology I, Faculty of Economics and Business Science, University of Alicante, Spain




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