The femme fatale in Spanish comedy series: A renewal of the standard in the series Aida and La que se avecina


  • Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí Investigadora Universidad de Alicante


The representation of the "femme fatale” emerged in mythology and classical culture and has been faithfully recovered by literature and romantic painting, remaining a female representation that causes furore in new cultural products.

In TV fiction, as is the case in movies, the representation of a strong and seductive woman who is able to tease men is widespread. However, in TV fiction of a humorous nature, specifically in comedy series, the use of this or other classic stereotypes often involves an adaptation or restructuration that alters the traditional meaning of representation in some way.

Like other cultural products of the creative industry, TV fiction adapts, restructures and redefines the stereotype and represents it in a manipulated, standardized and camouflaged form in an attempt to adapt the same fundamental meaning of the new context and the final fiction product needing.

This article aims to study the representation of the femme fatale stereotype in Spanish comedy series, focusing on the reflection on the presence of this representation in the series Aida and La que se avecina, in order to identify how the femme fatale is portrayed, what is the significance of her presence and how the structure is changed in order to expose new images of the femme fatale, which are altered versions of the traditional archetype.


standardization, stereotype, creative industry, gender, femme fatale, comedy series


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