The research on Communications, culture and cooperation in the Mediterranean. The case of LAPREC
The research on communication, cooperation and development in the Mediterranean region implies to plan and execute projects of communication–action for the development, as well as to make basic and applied investigation, from and for communication in this scope. It is of the utmost interest studying, analyzing and presenting results on the impact, cover, space, visibility and treatment that the mass media exert on subjects, objectives and recommendations that the national and supranational organisms and instances recommend for the intercultural dialogue. This basic investigation and their results can constitute a valuable instrument for the design of projects of social intervention developed by organizations of the civil society whose objectives prioritize communication and cooperation for development in the Mediterranean region. Finally, the social demand of formation in communication, cooperation and socio–cultural mediation implies to offer studies in this field. Studies in which the students acquire the skills that will prepare them as professionals and researchers to develop to his professional activity in the civil society and its institutions.Keywords
communication, International Cooperation, Development, mediterranean regionPublished
How to Cite
Velázquez, T. (2010). The research on Communications, culture and cooperation in the Mediterranean. The case of LAPREC. Anàlisi, (40), 143–156.
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