Spanish television industry: crisis and new opportunities
This paper paper evaluates the situation of the Spanish television industry from the analysis of the main agents involved in its development. The threats to its hegemony as a reference medium are already real: the fragmentation of audiences has forced to re-configure the alliances between media groups in order to keep their profitability, protected by the law; the spectator has taken over the television and has become his own programmer, watching audiovisual productions whenever and wherever he wants to. Though the reports about the future of the television have foreseen a central role for online television, the Spanish broadcast television networks still reached records in television consumption in 2012. The paper highlights the paradoxical moment in the Spanish television industry, with significance and consumption without precedents but with serious threats for its funding. The economic crisis has been the principal obstacle for the expansion of technologies, devices, applications and infrastructures. At the same time, media policies have been little foresighted and improvised and they have not been planned for the new models of television. The review of the situation of the Spanish television industry leads us to conclude that the media development is subordinated to the economic conjuncture and the cultural and social context.Keywords
Televisió, audiències, fragmentació, Espanya, televisió connectadaReferences
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