Post-male chauvinism and the mass media: new mechanisms for old problems


  • Diana Rivero Santamarina Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


Since Article 14 of the Constitution recognized equality between women and men the idea has spread that discrimination for reasons of sex has been effectively eradicated. This mirage that equality has already been attained has also spread to the journalistic profession.

 However, post-male chauvinism has emerged with new ways of perpetuating the historical inequalities that affect women. In this article we will try to identify the most widespread forms of post-male chauvinism in the journalistic profession. In this theoretical review we will analyze whether Journalism is a feminized profession, how narrative formulas are articulated to exclude women from the profession and relegate them to less important sections in the mass media, the role played by the media in constructing stereotypes on women, as well as the causes that favor a merely token presence of women in top media positions.



post-male chauvinism, mass media, journalism, discrimination, stereotypes


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Author Biography

Diana Rivero Santamarina, Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Profesora del Departamento de Periodismo II




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