The relational factor in media convergence: an emerging proposal


  • José Antonio Gabelas Unizar
  • Carmen Marta-Lazo Profesora Titular Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad Universidad de Zaragoza, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
  • Patricia González Aldea Profesora de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación


Human communication expressed its earliest babbles with the spoken word and continues to write its story through different technological mediations. Scenarios mediated by technology enable education that is unlimited in terms of time and physical space. Our proposal focuses on reviewing the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) discourse and model within the context of the Relational Factor, so that we talk about ICRT: Information and Communication Relational Technologies. This process and relational structure operates at the intersection of three areas: health, education and communication. Digital skills acquire another dimension and another approach.

We believe that the ICRT proposal surpasses and improves the ICT discourse focused on its technical and/or instrumental dimension and curricular content, but which ignores, rejects and/or prohibits typical uses in digital entertainment. The application of what we have called the Relational Factor in the socio-cultural context of the digital environment takes the form of an inter-methodological path in the field of education. The "things that happen" in the digital entertainment are an opportunity for the appropriation of these lessons in formal educational spaces.

In this paper, we set out this open formula designed, planned and observed through participant observation in personalized and meaningful learning environments, as well as in the creation of collaborative knowledge routes.


relational factor, digital competencies, life skills, inter-methodology, e-learning


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How to Cite

Gabelas, J. A., Marta-Lazo, C., & González Aldea, P. (2015). The relational factor in media convergence: an emerging proposal. Anàlisi, (53), 20–34.


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