Media discourse on gastronomy: Culinary narratives in Catalan newspapers
Specialist journalism consists in the narration of content related to social interests. One of the niches with the greatest impact in recent years is gastronomy. Despite the boom experienced by gastronomy on television and Internet, printed media is still a reference concerning gastronomy communication, and one of the reasons for its increasing popularity. This research focuses on the current content of food journalism in Catalonia. The paper aims to analyze the predominant topics that delineate the gastronomy discourse. To achieve this, the study reviews gastronomy-themed articles published from 2005 to 2015 in the two major newspapers in Catalonia, El Periódico and La Vanguardia. The methodology is based on a content analysis of 2,776 articles that are classified by theme. For this purpose, three general categories were defined, namely production, distribution, and gastronomy and society, which include eleven specific themes. The results show that El Periódico and La Vanguardia tend to deal with gastronomy content in a similar manner. The characteristics of the discourse of food journalism in Catalan dailies over the last decade are also discussed.Keywords
Catalonia, gastronomy, narratives, specialist journalism, food journalism, mainstream newspapersReferences
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