Discursive Strategies for Spectacularization: Views on the Great Recession in the World Press Photo Awards
This article analyses winning photographs on the 2008 financial crisis at the World Press Photo (WPP) Contest between 2008 and 2013. Our aim is to analyse the presence of this issue in the contest itself; its depiction in formal and discursive terms; and the differences in how it is depicted when a photographic narrative is involved, based on an analysis of two different classifications established by the WPP contest: the individual photograph (“single pictures”) and the series (“stories”). The results show a low incidence of this issue in the contest, and a predominance of the idea of representation as spectacle, especially in the single pictures rather than the stories, which succeed in employing narrative strategies to elicit a more reflective reading of the images.
World Press Photo, photography, photojournalism, discourse analysis, financial crisisReferences
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Copyright (c) 2022 Marta Martín-Núñez, Maria Soler-Campillo, Javier Marzal-Felici
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