Communication research in academia in Spanish and Portuguese. Scientific journals in the WoS-JCR, Scimago-SJR rankings (communication section). A map of the flow of research in Spain and Latin America between 2009 and 2019


  • Félix Ortega-Mohedano Universidad de Salamanca
  • Teresa Martín García Universidad de Salamanca
  • María Esther Pérez Peláez Universidad Internacional de Valencia
  • María-Elena Rodríguez Benito Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • Eduardo Rodríguez Barcenilla Universidad de Salamanca


This article evaluates the highest-ranked journals in Spanish in the field of communication in Spain, Portugal and Latin America between 2009 and 2019. Using the SJR-Scimago-Scopus index, the current status of scientific journals in this field in the first and second quartiles (according to the rankings on 31 December 2019) is analysed. A sample consisting of 4098 articles from eight communication research journals was analysed, using a coding book developed by five qualified coders. Analysis parameters were: gender of the authors, first and second author, their h-index, the number of authors per article, the internationalisation of the articles, the competitive funding of the articles, the predominant publication regions of the authors, and the most frequent typology of articles. After running an analysis of the variables, we found a significant presence of authors and social interest in research in this area. However, other weaknesses and threats were also detected, such as a shortage of funding, publication very focused on certain Spanish regions (Madrid, Catalonia, Andalusia) and the lack of scientific journals in Spanish or Portuguese ranked in the first and second quartiles of the Scopus and/or JCR indexes. Along with these data, numerous opportunities were identified.


communication research, scientific journals, Spain, Latin America, article


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