Uses of TikTok in education. A systematic review of the didactic possibilities of TikTok
Access to the internet at increasingly younger ages and the possibility of registering on social media networks opens the door to new ways of teaching and learning actively and in accordance with the characteristics of the digital society. Looking at the current situation, the focus is on TikTok, one of the most frequently downloaded networks and one of the ones with the largest number of followers. The need to delineate the potential of its educational use gives rise to this systematic review. This theoretical study provides an analysis of the most recent SCOPUS literature (published between 2020 and 2023, mainly in English). A total of 133 records were retrieved from this database using a controlled search. Of these, 25 documents were analysed to identify the characteristics of TikTok that are conducive to its didactic application, the uses recently given to the tool in education, and the specific guidelines that can be deduced for the responsible use of TikTok in the educational environment. Given the possible risks, problems and limitations inherent in deploying this platform, the varied uses identified in the review demonstrate its impact on motivation and learning, especially its contribution to the development of digital skills and responsible usage by students working with TikTok in the classroom. In view of the results of this analysis, it is recommended to develop teacher literacy and educational communication in higher education as a way to use TikTok for learning purposes.
Internet, social network, TikTok, teaching, educationReferences
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mari-Carmen Caldeiro-Pedreira, Carmen Yot-Domínguez

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