Performative journalism and its contribution to the narrative crisis in museums: The case of the Maritime Museum of Mallorca in the fishermen’s quarter of Molinar



Within the context of crisis in the cultural narrative faced by institutions such as museums, performative journalism acts as a methodology to challenge the narratives of domination that continue to occur but urgently need revision. This article shows how the connection between a museum and the communicative action enabled by performative journalism establishes the institution not just as a guardian of intangible heritage but also an agent that recognises that cultural narrative is a political action for transformation. The first part of the article argues that performative journalism – as ethnographic activity – acts as a mediator for the restitution of collective memory through the articulation of memory and communal practices. In the second part, the results of a pioneering initiative of performative journalism linked to the activity of a museum, the Maritime Museum of Mallorca (MMM), are presented. The conclusion summarises how performative journalism addresses the crisis of access, participation and cultural narrative that museums face.


performative journalism, cultural narrative, disempowered communities, Maritime Museum of Mallorca


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How to Cite

Gayà Morlà, C., Seró Moreno, L., Garde Cano, C., & Vidal Castell, D. (2025). Performative journalism and its contribution to the narrative crisis in museums: The case of the Maritime Museum of Mallorca in the fishermen’s quarter of Molinar. Anàlisi, 71, 1–20.


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