Migrations, Italy, and Europe between research data and media narratives



We are facing a new phase of migration processes caught between profound geopolitical, economic and sociocultural changes and the lack of preparation of Western media and policy in addressing this complexity. For this reason, migratory phenomena call for particular attention and the ability to grasp the human, cultural and even economic side without eroding dimensions such as trust, cohesion and solidarity that should guide social life at the national and international level. In this process, communication and media play an important role. To validate this, we analyzed media narratives on migration; particularly those disseminated through the major mainstream networks, and documented the phenomenon with data provided by secondary sources such as the Carta di Roma and the Osservatorio di Pavia. A comparative analysis was also carried out of the narrative styles of two TV shows aired on the national mainstream networks: “Dalla vostra parte/ On Your Side” (Rete 4) and “Radici. L’altra faccia dell’immigrazione/ Roots. The other face of immigration” (Rai 3).


migrations, media narratives, social and cultural inclusion, social cohesion, stereotype, hate speech


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Author Biographies

Giovanni Ciofalo, Sapienza Università di Roma

Giovanni Ciofalo is Associate Professor in Sociology of Cultural and Communication Processes at the Department of Communication and Social Research at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He teaches Sociology of Communication, Media Theories and Internet and Social Media Studies. Over the time, he has carried out research on sociological and cultural processes, on the theories of communication, on the dynamics of production and cultural consumption, on the logic and practices of social media and transmedia.

Mihaela Gavrila, Sapienza Università di Roma

Mihaela Gavrila is Associate Professor in Television Studies at the Department of Communication and Social Research of Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). On December 13rd, 2017, with the Decree of the Minister of Economic Development, she was nominated as an effective member of the Media and Minors Committee representing the Italian institutions. Over the time, she has been carrying out teaching activities in University master, research doctorate and advanced training courses on subjects such as communication and media industries. She has been collaborating as Professor in Communication and Security Studies with the Italian national police academies Scuola Superiore di Polizia and Scuola Interforze di Polizia for many years.




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