Production of visual message through packaging: a conceptual model to analyze the code


  • Jordi Colet Ruz Departament de Publicitat, Relacions Públiques i Comunicació Audiovisual Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


Beyond its original function, packaging has instituted a powerful communicative dimension. The importance of package design resides in the visual identity of products. From this perspective, packs are subject of consumption. The point of sale has converted them inadvertising artifacts for brands.

In particular, the fast-moving consumer goods have developed the ability to convey the typological identity of the product and brand values at a decisive moment: the act of purchase. This fact is important in order to address a reflection on the iconographic representation of products.

The conceptual model presented here examines the formulation of the visual message through the packaging. Its main goal is to propose a theoretical approach in relation to the study of the visual code to enhance the communicative efficiency of packaging.

This workis based on three main concepts: order, complexity and congeniality. This triad includes the visual code in their syntactic and semantic aspects.Apart from the academic interest, the conceptual model becomes a very useful research tool when it is necessary to know the efficiency of the message.Especially, in professional activities about packaging in order to know the effects and limits of the visual code on purchase behavior. The variables involved in the organization of the code make it possible a systematic evaluation of several structures and graphics in order to enhance the communicative function of this advertising medium.


Visual code, packaging, perception


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Author Biography

Jordi Colet Ruz, Departament de Publicitat, Relacions Públiques i Comunicació Audiovisual Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

PhD in Communication Sicences (Advertising), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).




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