Sexual Subjects, Commercial Objects: Female Sexuality as a lifestyle in Fifty Shades of Grey


  • Cristina Pujol Ozonas Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Meritxell Esquirol Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


The article discusses the sexualization of popular culture and the construction of new ubiquitous female sexual imagery in the media and social networks through the Fifty Shades of Grey's success. The proposal is to analyze the codes of representation of the novels in relation with the commercialization of contemporary femininity, closely linked to lifestyle, ie, sexual experience as a market value. The aim is to observe how the commercialization of female sexuality, although at first it seems that democratizes their representation and experience in the public sphere, finally it works as a normativization.


sexuality, neoliberal economy, consum, regulation, lifestyle


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Author Biographies

Cristina Pujol Ozonas, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences at UAB
PhD in Audiovisual Communication at the Universitat Ramon Llull

Meritxell Esquirol, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Tutor for Information and Communication Studies




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