Telling the story(ies): Educational innovation in history of communication subjects



Students and teachers are demanding innovative or applied activities in higher education programs of study. This requires exploring new methodologies and detecting convergences between them, despite possible differences. This paper presents an experience carried out in 2019 in the History of Communication course at the University of Seville, Spain, in which two very different approaches were combined: micro-storytelling and service- learning. The conclusions show, firstly, that theory and praxis are compatible in communication studies. Secondly, they reveal the need for deeper knowledge of the theories and methods in the field in order to fulfill the public service vocation of higher education. Finally, the results indicate that students’ academic performance improves when such approaches are used.


history of communication, micro-stories, educational innovation, service-learning, digital storytelling


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Author Biography

Manuel A. Broullón-Lozano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Departamento de Literaturas Hispánicas y Bibliografía




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