Digital Learning Environments in Media Business. Gaming and Impact on Activities and Evaluation
The flipped classroom (FC) is a pedagogical model that transfers the work of certain learning processes outside the classroom. In this context, Gaming and interactive evaluation in media management learning environments (PIGE-On) is an innovation project based on the development of a simulation game applied in a first-year Media Business course of the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism at the Complutense University of Madrid. Using a scientific methodology and a deductive writing model, this study explains the didactic foundations of the proposal and its effects, among them the learning outcomes as reflected in the assessment system.Keywords
media business, teaching-learning methodologies, innovation, gaming, assessmentReferences
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Copyright (c) 2020 María-José Pérez-Serrano, Manuel Fernández-Sande, Miriam Rodríguez-Pallares
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