The blog phenomenon in Spain: Sectoral analysis of hypertextuality, multimedia and interactivity


  • Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Eduard Vidal-Portés Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Sandra Vilajoana-Alejandre Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Aleksandra Krtolica-Lukic Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull
  • Cristina Lobo-Fernández Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull


The use of the internet and social networks influences the decisions of tourists when it comes to consuming any type of tourist product or service. In fact, an efficient strategy in digital marketing tools by tourism companies and destinations increases their visibility to the audience and, therefore, their sales. This research aims to analyse some of the bestknown blogs in the Spanish language through content analysis of their websites. Both qualitative methodology (in-depth interviews with marketing professionals, blog readers and blog creators) and quantitative methodology (a survey of the general public to assess the profile of blog visitors; what attracts most attention on these web pages) are used. A technical sheet is established, which uses 22 variables to analyse four main sections of each blog (the header as entry point, the post, the sidebar and the footer). The study concludes that travel blogs and their social networks are very important marketing tools today, and that most millennials use travel blogs as the first option when looking for information for travel.


blog, communication, tourism, hypertextuality, audience


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