Resistances to the advances of feminism in opinion articles of the Basque press



Through the analysis of opinion articles in the daily press of the Basque Autonomous Community (CAV), this article analyzes the resistance and objections to the advances of feminism. It explores 139 opinion articles during the months of January, February and March of 2018. Resistances represent an important force of obstruction in the processes of integration of the gender perspective and seek to preserve the prevailing order in a society instead of questioning it. Four main themes of analysis are elaborated, and the conclusions show that in times in which feminist advances are clearly linked to social, political and cultural events that seek to overturn the established order, there is a strong reaction that shows resistances and obstacles. Feminism is labeled as exaggerated, maximalist, rigid, victimizing, puritan and ignorant. Radical and left-wing feminism is accused of being exclusive and of not defending women of the right or women who do not agree with its principles. The articles translate a vision offered to the readership into an opportunity to discredit feminism as whole.


feminism, resistances, opinion articles, press


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