The creativity of the outdoor advertising in the mobile sector: A Case Study in Spain and Portugal


  • Eva Breva Franch Universitat Jaume I, Castelló
  • Paula Lopes Instituto Superior Novas Profissões, Lisboa
  • Consuelo Balado Albiol Universidad Jaume I, Castelló


Outdoor media requires a specific creativity tailored due to their characteristics and to the moment when the public has contacted with him. Despite the revolution that the outdoor advertising is going through, and due to the digitization of some of their supports, it is not possible to forget the best way to design the creativity in this media, because the paper is still prevailing in their brackets. Therefore, the objective of this research is, from the review of its studies and a creative revision of its messages; perform an analysis on the way to work the creativity of outdoor advertising in mobile sector in Spain and Portugal, such a sector with great investments in this media. This is done using the elements that emerge from the literature review as basic and necessary in any advertising message in the outdoor media. This research notes, that this sector, in main lines, is correctly applying the creative standards in the communication of its messages through this media in both markets analysed, although can be glimpsed nuances in one and another.


outdoor advertising, creativity, street furniture, bus stops, mobile companies.


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Author Biographies

Eva Breva Franch, Universitat Jaume I, Castelló

Having a degree in Information Sciences (Universitat Auonoma de Barcelona) and PhD in Advertising (Universitat Jaume I, Castelló).

Lecturer and researcher at Universidad Jaume I

Paula Lopes, Instituto Superior Novas Profissões, Lisboa

Having a degree in Communication Sciences (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa) and PhD. in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (universidad de Extremadura).

Lecturer at Instituto Superior Novas Profissões (Lisboa)

Consuelo Balado Albiol, Universidad Jaume I, Castelló

Having a Degree in Information Sciences (CEU San Pablo, Valencia) and PhD in Communication Sciences (Universitat Jaume I, Castelló).

Lecturer at Univesitat Jaume I.




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