Docu-advertising. The role of “pathos” in Documentary Advertising Storytelling


  • Paola Panarese Universidad La Sapienza. Roma.
  • Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas Universidad de Sevilla


Growing intolerance towards traditional advertising and the demand for authenticity in communication and marketing offerings have, in the last decade, led consumers to privilegeforms of promotional communication content of a less spectacular and more informative nature, which is also integrated with the programming of the media, instead of inserted parasitically into it. Hence the choice of some companies to produce branded contents aimed at the narration of reality, and in a documentary style. The initial hypothesis is that beyond the most objective and informative narrative elements (as in the Aristotelian rhetorical strategy of logos), an emotive discourse (pathos) is constructed to communicate a socially engaged brand image (ethos), socially committed to its target. Thus the brand is proposed as an authority, or at least as a reference, in an area of interest to its potential consumers, who will identify more easily with it.


advertising, storytelling, documentary, rhetoric, pathos, logos


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Author Biographies

Paola Panarese, Universidad La Sapienza. Roma.

Departamento de Comunicación e Investigación Social

Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas, Universidad de Sevilla

Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas, profesor titular de ética y deontología periodística en la Facultad de Comunicación de la Universidad de Sevilla. Autor de diversas monografías especializadas en este ámbito, como Análisis ético de la información (Mad, 2001), Principios de Ética Profesional (Tecnos, 2001), La libertad de expresión en España e Iberoamérica (Dykinson, 2011), entre otras. Investigador principal del proyecto de I+D+I Excelencia y Ética periodística. La expectativa de los ciudadanos andaluces frente a los medios de comunicación. Responsable del grupo de investigación de la Junta de Andalucía PAIDI, SEJ-495, Pensamiento Crítico, Comunicación y Derechos Humanos. Ha dirigido el I Congreso Internacional de Ética de la Comunicación (Sevilla, 2011) y actualmente organiza el II International Conference on Media Ethics (Sevilla, 2013)




How to Cite

Panarese, P., & Suárez Villegas, J. C. (2018). Docu-advertising. The role of “pathos” in Documentary Advertising Storytelling. Anàlisi, (58), 63–76.


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