Analysis of quality television in magazine programs through audience discourse on Facebook and Twitter
The production and broadcasting of magazine programs as entertainment present notable differences on Spanish television channels, particularly in relation to their quality or non-quality values. The copying of formats, the violation of democratic values, the scarce diversity, controversial content, the distortion of reality and the rise in news of little transcendence have replaced own production, originality, creativity, diversity and pluralism in the information that is disseminated and in the opinions of the guests or collaborators who come to the set to discuss a particular issue. At the same time, social networks produce positive or negative comments about the content, presenters, protagonists and guests or collaborators. These magazines create feelings of emotion, joy, boredom or criticism in the audience. In this sense, the study of television quality requires analyzing comments made by the audience on social networks, as it provides insight into their perception of the magazines, as well as the activity or conversations that arise from them.Keywords
programs, entertainment, quality TV, Internet, Facebook, TwitterReferences
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