Sonic identity and audio branding elements in Spanish radio advertising
The emotional potential of sound is an excellent resource for companies and institutions seeking to test new ways of communicating with their stakeholders through the senses. However, there are still few organizations that include sound as a conveyer of their corporate identity. Audio branding aims to expand the contact points with audiences by incorporating sound elements that facilitate the recognition of the brand's values. This research attempts to understand the use that corporations make of sound as a communication tool and to evaluate its presence, but above all it wants to find out if this use is due to a strategic approach or if it is a specific decision marked by the temporality of advertising campaigns. For this reason, in this paper we have taken the radio as an advertising media. On the one hand, because it is the sound media par excellence. On the other hand, because it is where we can find the most well-known modes of audio branding such as the brand song, the jingle or the sonotype. The sample, composed of 239 inserts from the 3 generalist radio channels with the highest audiences in Spain, reveals that only 21% of items contain an element of audio branding, indicating that this is a field yet to be explored by organizations.
audio branding, corporate communication, strategy, sonic branding, radio advertisingReferences
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Copyright (c) 2021 Estrella Barrio Fraile, Ana María Enrique Jiménez, María Luz Barbeito Veloso, Anna Fajula Payet

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