Public television and young audiences: values and function in the digital age
This paper analyses public service media (PSM) from the perspective of its relationship with young audiences. The main objectives are to look at these audiences from the perspective of the PSM, study the design of programming strategies, and identify the values and functions of public service. The case study focuses on Valencian public television, which closed in 2013 and reopened in 2017 under the name À Punt Media (APM). This was a period when televisual structure was transformed as a result of the consolidation of streaming. The methodology combines documentary analysis, in-depth interviews and an observation period. This study contributes to the debate on the role of PSM in the context of the Internet, in which APM advances in its understanding of child audiences by seeing them not just as developing people but also as active social subjects.
media, children, public service media, digital, functions, valuesReferences
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