The impact of improving media and information literacy in the Caribbean. The design, validation and application of a questionnaire on teachers’ media skills
Improving the media and information literacy (MLI) of teachers to encourage critical processes of interaction, production and spread of information, based on values and conscious aesthetics, is a central theme in the socio-educational incorporation of the media in teaching-learning processes. Theoretical and practical proposals developed to train educators are becoming increasingly necessary and relevant. This study presents a quantitative, descriptive, correlational analysis of the design and validation process of an unpublished questionnaire whose purpose is to measure the perception of media skills among Dominican teachers as part of an international project. It also presents the initial results obtained after the pilot application of the tool before and after the implementation of a training initiative. The study shows that the content and construction of the data collection instrument was appropriate, and performed well in terms of reliability. The main results indicate that teachers who participated in the training course on media skills significantly improved their perceived skill levels in all areas measured, although there were some significant differences linked to age. The study identified a need to continue delivering flexible training initiatives adapted to specific contexts, in order to make further progress in media literacy among teachers.
media skills, media and information literacy, teachers, questionnaire, validationReferences
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Copyright (c) 2023 Irina Salcines-Talledo, Natalia González-Fernández, Antonia Ramírez-García, M. Amor Pérez-Rodríguez

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