TikTok and the caricaturing of violence in adolescent romantic relationships


  • Sabina Civila Universidad de Huelva
  • Patricia De Casas Moreno Universidad de Extremadura
  • Antonio Daniel García Rojas Universidad de Huelva
  • Ángel Hernando Gómez Universidad de Huelva


Violence in romantic relationships is today recognized as a significant social problem. Among adolescents, this issue may be particularly concerning due to their lack of experience in the romantic sphere and to the influence of popular stereotypes. The growing popularity of TikTok and its creative possibilities may have a significant impact on young people’s perceptions of this issue. As a result, this can lead to the normalisation of toxic relationships and, therefore, have a negative effect on romantic relationships. This article analyses the discourse on TikTok regarding the normalisation of abusive behaviour in romantic relationships. To do so, a total of 328 videos available on this platform under the hashtags #eltoxico and #latoxica were examined, using thematic analysis as a qualitative research tool. The results show how TikTok users share content that exaggerates and dramatises toxic relationships, emphasising destructive behaviours such as control, abuse and emotional manipulation. Furthermore, there is a tendency to romanticise toxicity and to normalise negative behaviours through trivialization and use of humour. These patterns can influence perceptions of what constitutes a healthy relationship, leading to the acceptance of violent behaviour in the future by society.


TikTok, toxic, teenagers, social media, TDV (teen dating violence)


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Author Biographies

Sabina Civila, Universidad de Huelva

Sabina Civila (sabicivila@gmail.com ). FPI Predoctoral Researcher . PhD candidate in the Interuniversity Communication program (Málaga, Huelva, Sevilla y Cádiz) in the Educommunication line. Master in strategic communication and communication innovation (Malaga, Huelva, Seville and Cádiz), and Graduated in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Cádiz. Researcher at the 'Ágora' Research Group (HUM-648). Currently he focuses his research on social networks, educommunication, media literacy and Islamophobia.

Patricia De Casas Moreno, Universidad de Extremadura

PhD in Communication in the area of Media Literacy from the University of Huelva. BA in Journalism. MA in Communication and Audiovisual Education, specialising in Communication 2.0 and Social Networks. Member of the Comunicar Group and of the Technical Council of the Comunicar Magazine. She is part of the Agora Research Group (HUM-648). Adjunct editor of the University Scientific Journal "Ágora Digital". Her line of research focuses on media quality, stereotypes, information language and the habits of the audience as a starting point for educational proposals for better consumption by society.

Antonio Daniel García Rojas, Universidad de Huelva

Contracted Professor Doctor of the area of ​​Didactics and School Organization (DOE) and director of the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences of the University of Huelva. Academically, Doctor of Education, Graduate in Psychopedagogy and Psychology; Diploma in Teaching Primary Education, Early Childhood Education and Physical Education.

At a professional level, he has been a teacher in Infant, Primary, Secondary and Vocational Training in various educational centers, having been Head of Studies in one of them for 10 academic years, also having other positions of responsibility in said centers.

He has tried to combine in his academic life, 25 years of teaching, the fourfold dimension that has to characterize university professors: teaching, research, academic and scientific management, and the transfer of knowledge to society. His academic training (17 university degrees) and teaching at different educational levels has given him an experience that benefits his university teaching activity in the degrees in which he currently works.

He has more than 160 participations in congresses, seminars and courses specifically

aimed at training for university teaching activity. This teaching activity is completed with the direction of 35 TFM and 60 TFG. Likewise, he has published teaching material through 3 books, has participated in 19 innovation/research projects in teaching, leading 5 of them.

Ángel Hernando Gómez, Universidad de Huelva

PhD in Psychology from the University of Huelva, and Professor in the Department of Social, Evolutionary and Educational Psychology at that university. Associate Editor of the journal Comunicar (Psychology Section). Member of the Research Group "AGORA, Group of educational studies and research in communication technologies, Orientation" within the Andalusian Research Plan (HUM-648). His interests as a researcher are focused on the prevention of violence in relationships between adolescents and young people, intervention in risky behaviour, the promotion of positive adolescent development and education. Along these lines, he has directed various research projects, doctoral theses and intervention programmes.




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